Palms, Cycads & Exotic Tropical Plants
Yorba Linda & Fallbrook
Please call or text for an appointment

(714) 313-8135

Bromeliads Succulents Aloes & Agaves
Cactus Exotics Design Ideas Before/After

December 2020 - Dug and replanted these 2 MASSIVE Pandanus utilis clumps
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Some plants we sold and moved to The San Diego Zoo

Encephlartos latifrons - Moved here in 1965 from The Trapps Valley of South Africa. We dug and moved to the San Diego Zoo in December 2016. Oldest in North America.

Check out this time lapse video of the move.

Encephalartos woodii - This plant started from a baseball size offset harvested from a mature woodii at Lotusland in Santa Barbara in 1990. It now has 12 offsets of it's own. We moved it to The San Diego Zoo in December 2016.

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We dug and moved these Cyphostemma currorii to the San Diego Zoo in April 2016. Imported in 1973 as a 1ft plant. They were  installed in the Africa Rocks exhibit Summer 2017.

Check out this time lapse video of the move. 2 hours to make sure they don't loose a single leaf. What leaves? It will be covered in a month.

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We dug and moved this Cyphostemma juttae to the San Diego Zoo reptile area in July 2018.



Exotics Palms Cycads
Bromeliads Succulents Aloes & Agaves
Cactus Exotics Design Ideas Before/After

palms slideshow

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